About College

Arya Kanya Degree College, A constituent College of University of Allahabad

Welcome to Arya Kanya Degree College, a prestigious College for women. The College was founded in 1975, the International year of women and is based on the noble principles of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, founder of Arya Samaj. It is a Constituent College of the University of Allahabad which achieved the status of Central University on 14 July, 2005. The College is located in Muthiganj, a thickly populated area of the city.

The goals and objectives of the College are focussed towards proper education of women. Our endeavour has been to promote independent thinking among young girls so that they may not only make responsible citizens that contribute to the growth of the national economy but play the role of an anchor in their own families.

The College takes pride in having rendered educational services to women in some of the most thickly populated areas of the city in which some of the poorest people reside and has produced the first female graduate from many a family. The College has an Arts faculty at present and the syllabi is set by the University. We offer programmes in subjects like English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Economics, Political Science, Philosphy, Education, Sociology, Ancient History, Medieval History, Music – Vocal and Instrumental.

Teaching is done through class-room lectures and tutorials. Audio-visual aids, specially screening of films based on the syllabi and over-head projectors are deployed besides running of CD/DVD to ensure proper imparting of the intricacies of the subject. Students are also guided through written work and to ensure its proper utility periodical assessments and half yearly examinations are conducted to fathom their understanding. The annual examination is conducted by the University and the College acts as an examination centre.

The College has consistently been taking initiatives regularly to help its faculty develop itself. Our teachers have been attending seminars and symposiums throughout the year, attending workshops and making presentations at National and International level. To encourage interaction of faculty and students with distinguished experts we invite several academicians from different disciplines and their inputs are quite valuable.


The college aims at working with a holistic approach towards making higher education feasible to the poor and underprivileged and to inculcate basic moral, social and cultural values through quality education to girl students with equity and justice; as Maharshi Dayanand founder of Arya Samaj visualized.

  • Our Mission
  • To cater to the growing demand for higher education of girls coming from urban and rural background.
  • To work for upliftment of educationally and economically backward groups of society by providing quality teaching and learning in Higher Education.
  • To undertake consultancy and training programmes for self dependence of students.
  • To encourage students to participate in National and International activities in every field of education.
  • To collaborate with other stakeholders  of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.
  • Our Objectives
  • To inculcate values and virtues of responsible citizens.
  • To endeavor for removal of gender discrimination.
  • To provide knowledge of human rights and duties.
  • To inculcate environment consciousness and awareness.
  • To educate about world peace and universal brotherhood.
  • To make the students economically empowered and independent.
  • To educate the students to serve the society.
  • To teach the importance of health and hygiene.
  • To encourage students to adopt modern technology.

Organogram of Arya Kanya Degree College


  • Online New Admission B.A. LL.B.(Hons.) - I Year  Click Here 
  • Admission open for CUET-24 and Non-CUET candidates, Click Here to register.
  • Online Admission (B.A, B.Com - II & III Year) Click Here 
  • Online New Admission M.A - I Year  Click Here